The CMCM is at your side in a changing world

Our primary concern is accompanying and helping our members through their medical problems and health issues. Our goal is to maintain a privileged relationship with all of our members and their entire family so that they can trust us. In a constantly changing world, it is important to be able to rely on solid values. But it is also important to evolve and innovate along with our members’ needs.

A helping hand for young people

You’ve just started your professional life, and you’ve got plenty of daily challenges ahead of you: job, housing, health… Are you single with and under the age of 30? The CMCM has you in mind and is happy to offer you a 10% discount on all of your member dues.

Benefit from supplementary health care that takes your situation into account. 

We accept everyone… and their entire family

Anyone who is insured by a Luxembourg health insurance provider or by a health insurance of legal status in a bordering country can become a member of the CMCM. At the CMCM, you won’t be asked to complete a questionnaire or undergo a medical exam. No exclusion, no age restrictions, and no surcharges for your spouse or children.

Benefits for businesses

Your employees are your greatest asset. Let us help you win their loyalty. With CMCM Business Solutions, your employees and their family will benefit from optimal complementary health care coverage. A satisfied employee is an effective employee. Click here to discover your benefits.